Today is the first day of my new resolution, a 365 photo project! I've heard of them and followed a few friends who did them, and now it's my turn. My goal is to take a photo a day through 2012 - with my Cadillac of cameras, not the iPhone. {Well, maybe not a Cadillac......its more like a Lexus.} It sounds daunting but at the same time, achievable. I'm excited about having a new, fun goal to work towards besides your every day goals {or resolutions as you may have said these past few days} like eating better, exercising more or booking x number more customers per month, yada yada yada.
I'm hoping, besides how fun it's going to be, it'll help me see the world around me better and in turn, record the summation of my observations and thoughts through one photograph. Or maybe, if I'm nearing the end of a super crazy nothing-went-right-today kind of day, I'll at least get a photograph of something {insert glass of red wine, bubble bath, and 2 advil here} with a little flair. As a photographer with a touch of analytical nerd in me, I hope to see my exposures and compositions get better and use new and different techniques to bring focus to my subject. I hope to further define my overall *style* by picking a subject and really thinking through how I want to portray that subject. I want to SLOW DOWN, think about how I want the finished product to look, set up the shot, then press the shutter. See, I'm getting all nerdy. I'd like to spend at least 5-10 minutes a day on this. Oh, and did I mention have FUN?!
I'll post a photo here every day as well as on my flickr site if you want to follow the project.
And since today is the 1st, below is the 1st photo {taken in Plain, WA this morning}:
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