
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

365 Project | Day 33, 34, 35 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

I'm noticing in the 30 days I've been doing this project, my posts have become more spaced apart.  Maybe by the end of this year I'll do weekly posts.  Its not tough to take the photos, but downloading, sorting, exporting, and uploading them is a different story for me!

So here are the photos from the past few days of my project.  Seattle has enjoyed some sunny weather lately, so day 33 is Ella copping some morning attitude before school with the sunrise in the background.  Love the lips and hand on the hip.

Day 34 is our car.  Our dirty, dirty car.  We took it up to the mountain pass last weekend to take the kids skiing and all week I've been noticing how grimy it is.  I don't know about everyone else in Seattle, but this time of year I rarely wash my car because its always raining.  Why bother, right?  So the photo doesn't entirely do it justice.  It was a lot dirtier than it looks in this photo.  I'll have to work on highlighting griminess, I guess.

Day 35 - today - we experienced yet another beautiful sunrise.  I wish I didn't have to today, honestly.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good sunrise, but not on a Saturday morning when I'm hoping my kids will sleep in.  It didn't happen.  Why is it that I have to wake them up every day during the school week but when it comes to the weekend, they're ready to go at 7:15?!?!  Let mama sleep in, I say!  BUT, I did get to see this view from my living room window this morning.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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