
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

365 Project | Day 178 - 190 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

The dog days are here, that's for sure.  Sunny weather, beaches, boating, vacation, friends, 4th of July, and amusement parks are just a few of the things that I think of when reviewing these last few weeks.

This group of photos were taken between June 29 to July 11th.  We took some time off to go to our lake cabin in Coeur d'Alene with friends.  We only get to spend a few weeks there every year, but I love it, and I love spending 4th of July there!  Coeur d'Alene does it right.  They launch the main fireworks right off a barge in the lake by the resort.  While you're waiting for the big ones, you can lounge on your deck or favorite view point and watch all the homes and cabins' fireworks displays.  This year we took our friends out on the boat to watch and a good time was had by all!

I really got into experimenting with low light photos - and had fun. I love the mystery and intimacy it lends to the photo.  Look for more of these soon.

Day 178 - In preparation for our trip to the cabin I was getting the kids groomed.  Nail clippings turned into a full-on patriotic display {although the big toes are more on the french side - I couldn't do the flag that small}!

Day 179 - Road trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho through Eastern Washington.  Tim was driving and I had my new 70-200 2.8L lens at the ready for part of the way.  These next two photos were taken just outside of Moses Lake.

Day 180 - First day at the cabin.  One of the kids favorite things to do is look for their animal friends. They've seen deer, moose, osprey, turkey, lizards, frogs, crickets, bats, and mama and baby birds.  We have some permanent birds nests under our cabin so we like to check them often.  This one was occupied, and mom was keeping her eye on us and protecting her little one in there.

Day 181 - July 2nd.  We experienced an amazing thunderstorm.  I've always loved storms.  There's something special about watching it here, too.  We have this unobstructed view of storm clouds rolling in over the lake, and you can literally watch the storm front blow over the lake towards us!  We turned off the lights and sat right in front of our windows, cuddling in blankets with the kids.  It was fun until about 11:30pm or so, when the thunder got really loud and kept the kids up half the night. :)  Ella slept about 4 hours with her "earmuffs" on.

Day 182 - July 3rd.  The cabins on Driftwood Point were giving us a fireworks show this evening.  I had the camera set-up on the tripod, ISO 200, f8, with a 30-second exposure.

Another photo of the same night.

Day 183 - 4th of July {and official halfway point of my 365 project}!  You would assume this would be the photo of fireworks - fooled you!  I didn't want to take the camera out on the boat.  This photo sums it up though.  All the kids had several glow sticks running around that evening.  They were exhausted from the day's fun - bike riding, swimming, boating, eating, making glow stick tracks in the dark, fireworks on the water, then fireworks at our neighbor's house.  I love that Isaac didn't let go of his!

Day 184 - Tim chilling in our cozy cabin as we wait for the kids to fall asleep.

Day 185 - My friend and I took the kids to Silverwood, an amusement park and water park in North Idaho.  This was taken with the iPhone and is one of Isaac's favorite rides.  We literally spent over 10 hours there, and finally got him on the Tilt-A-Whirl right before the park closed!  We had a few touch-and-go moments, but overall everyone had a good time.

Day 186 - Loved the light falling on our lonely table, begging for some company.

Day 187 - Sunday.  We were packing up and heading home.  I thought a photo of our beautiful view was appropriate, and hopefully it will suffice until we go back again.

Day 188 - Back home and back to Ella's horse back riding lessons.  Loved this big covered arena and the light.

Day 189 - Kids being silly while eating their strawberries and whipped cream dessert!

Day 190 - On the way to Ella's last riding lesson.  She took lessons at Hillcrest Training Center in Woodinville, close to many wineries.  I loved Chateau Ste. Michelle's grand entrance.  Breathtaking.

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