
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

365 Project | Day 81 - 90 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

  Are you enjoying more signs of Spring like I am?  What did Ella say just the other day...oh yes, "In like a lion, out like a lamb."  I remember that quote for the month of March, although I don't really know if it applies to March in Seattle -  maybe March through June here :).
  We've been getting more chances to be outside with these longer days.  Its nice to focus on something other than the caginess, boredom, and fighting that always ensues if the kids are cooped up too long during the week.  Game nights, books, t-ball and play dates can only alleviate this feeling of claustrophobia for so long before they start going at each others throats!  
  Here are more signs of Spring in my 365 photos from March 21st - 30th.

Day 81 - enjoying some playground time.  Isaac was insistent on pushing me on the merry-go-round as well as showing me how fast he could push it

Day 82 - flowering plum tree on our street

Day 83 - we have a lot of grasses in our yard and I absolutely love how they look any time of year with their graphic lines and warm tones (also - I ran out of time to photograph anything really interesting today)

Day 84 - sad solitary dandelion among pretty white flowers blooming in the back yard

Day 85 - we took the kids skiing at Snoqualmie again.  I took this with the iPhone while we were waiting for Dad to bring our lunch :)
 Day 86 - rhubarb is starting to grow in the front yard - who loves rhubarb pie?  I grew up on "rhubarb gunk" a smilier yet slightly more "gunky" version!

Day 87 - I spent part of my day backing up all of my recent photos - 130GB worth.  I have 2 Time Capsules that are maxed out as well as my computer and things are starting to run weird.  Time to get another external back-up drive.......eek!  Any suggestions out there?

Day 88 - I roasted golden beets for dinner tonight.  The recipe was simple and they turned out really well except the fact that I added too much salt :(  They're sure funny looking veggies tho - and I was in  a weird mood

Day 89 - moody rain again.

Day 90 - Isaac embracing the rain

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