What a few fun-filled weeks. We've been enjoying the nice weather around here by picking flowers, riding bikes, playing t-ball, hunting for Easter eggs, and feeding our neighbor's chickens. This really gets me in the mood for summertime and all the fun activities ahead.
Day 91- we finally re-filled our bird feeders and are enjoying the new visitors
Day 92 - had to take a photo of this today, as Playmobile horses are a major staple in our home. There's not a day that goes by without Ella playing {and neighing} with them :)
Day 93 - This was the kid's first t-ball game. Isaac was so serious about chasing after the ball when playing defense. I love that he turned his hat around- he means business.
Day 94 - I took this at Matthew's Beach Park by our house. It was a clear, crisp morning and the light was gorgeous. You can see the Cascade mountains in the background and Lake Washington in the foreground.
Day 95 - the kids picked spring flowers this afternoon and of course we had to make a little bouquet.
Day 96 - Hail!?! I decided to slow down my shutter speed to get the trajectories of the hail. I love how it turned out - especially with the bonus splashes of water from the impact. BTW - disregard the ugly rail - we're going to tear our deck down this year. I'm sure you'll see pictures of it sometime.
Day 97 - Ella LOVES animals! We were hanging out at our neighbor's house and Ella asked if she could hold Buttercup. Apparently Buttercup doesn't mind. Ella was thrilled and so proud of herself :) We get to babysit Buttercup and her two other siblings over Spring Break.
Day 98 - We were gearing up for Easter. I gave the kids the task of getting their Easter baskets out of storage, and Ella came upstairs with these cute vintage statues I had growing up. I love them and had totally forgotten about them. I really appreciate that my mom kept them.
Day 99 - EASTER! We had a beautiful, sunny, dry Easter this year! The kids and I must have hid the eggs at least 8 times. They really got into it, although Isaac was mad Ella could find them so fast.
Day 100!! - Our pear trees are blooming in the front yard. I took this in the late afternoon with my Lensbaby macro lens.
Day 101 - I decided to do another self-portrait, since its been a few months and I wanted to try out a remote I recently purchased. Ella has been so excited about reading lately it's become a regular daily activity.
Day 101 (2) - another favorite from yesterday :)
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