
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Friday, April 27, 2012

365 Project | Day 110 - 117 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

So much fun, so little time!  That's something I wish I could always write to describe my week.  It definitely was in this series of 365 photos, taken from April 19 - 26th.  Well, at least the first half.

The kids were out of school for spring break so we took a little family vacation to the Hood Canal the latter part of the week.  We stayed in a little town called Lilliwaup, about 5 minutes away from Hoodsport, the gateway to the Olympic mountains.  We took a ferry over and drove a little over an hour to get there.  We were right on the water and took advantage of the low tides.  The last two days were gorgeous, with 70 degree weather and calm water.  We touched star fish the size of dinner plates, went clamming, played games, relaxed in the hot tub, and observed our little friend, a baby seal whom Ella promptly named Spotty.  Can you guess why?  If you've never been over there, I strongly recommend going.  You'll have a great time!

The rest of the photos are from life back at home, which you'll hear about below.

Day 110 - Ella enjoying the ferry ride to Southworth, WA.

Day 111 - it was raining cats and dogs outside.  I know, very cliche to say, but true (btw - did you see the latest Office episode regarding this very thing?  Hilarious!)  Anyway, Isaac was working on a puzzle by the big front window (yes, beautiful light) and he was whistling.  Well, have you ever tried whistling when you're smiling?  Its pretty hard to do.  Isaac and I have this little inside joke when we try to whistle and smile, but this time I caught it on camera.  Had to post the series because its so cute!

Day 112 - Tim and I were up late hanging out.  This was our view out the window at 11:30pm.

Day 113 - Spotty paying us a visit on our last day.  I'll be posting more of these on my other blog shortly.

Day 114 - no, not on vacation anymore :).  Back home, and I'm dealing with my lifetime love/hate relationship with my hair and decided to capture its essence with a self-portrait.  I was looking forward to getting it cut the next day.

Day 115 - Isaac and Ella re-discovered the Cars stash on this rainy day.

Day 116- cherry blossom bouquet held by my beautiful girl

Day 117 - I met up with some photographer friends at the Roozengaarde tulip farm in Mount Vernon, WA.  Its absolutely gorgeous right now--if you have time, go check it out!  I'll be posting more of these photos on my other blog so be sure to check it out.

Happy shooting until next week,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

365 Project | Day 102 - 109 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

I see I'm really getting in a rut here.  This project is tough - especially trying to take some time to creatively plan then execute an image you have in your head.  Many days I don't feel I have time!!  I do feel like I'm constantly looking around me during the situations I'm in each day too "find" the photo.  It may be bordering on obsession though.  I'm looking at the light falling on the kids and various objects I see; I'm looking for cool patterns or backdrops, or something interesting and out of the ordinary while going through my soccer mom routine each day.  Some days I do much better than others!  I'm looking forward to some new inspiration these next few days when we take a little vacation to the Hood Canal.

These photos are from April 11th - 18th.

Day 102 - my mermaid

Day 103 - i love bamboo.  I love the lime green color and the strong lines of the stalk and delicate shapes of the leaves.  It makes me happy.

Day 104 - I made a trip to IKEA and finally got the kids a bunked.  We got it set up and they were reveling in their newly acquired play space in their room.

Day 105 - i woke up to this view out the window

Day 106 - the kids started their spring break.  Among the many activities we're doing, we made time for pedicures.

Day 107- you may recall from the last post, Ella was asked by our neighbor to take care of their chickens while they're out of town.  Ella loved it and was really serious about making sure we did everything the job required: letting them out to roam for a bit, re-stocking the feed and water, cleaning the hen house if necessary, providing the chickens with a little treat, and of course, collecting the eggs.

Day 107.2 - her favorite thing to do was picking up Buttercup.  Getting the hens back in their house proved to be very interesting for us!!  It involved a lot of chasing and laughing.

Day 108 - alone in a crowd

Day 109 - this is an instance where I saw something I wanted to compose when seeing the shadow of the tree but I couldn't quite get it in the camera.  Its still somewhat cool though....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

365 Project | Day 91 - 101 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

Hello and happy hump day!  I've made it to the 100 day mark of my 365 project!  Woo hoo!

What a few fun-filled weeks.  We've been enjoying the nice weather around here by picking flowers, riding bikes, playing t-ball, hunting for Easter eggs, and feeding our neighbor's chickens.  This really gets me in the mood for summertime and all the fun activities ahead.

Day 91- we finally re-filled our bird feeders and are enjoying the new visitors

Day 92 - had to take a photo of this today, as Playmobile horses are a major staple in our home.  There's not a day that goes by without Ella playing {and neighing} with them :)

Day 93 - This was the kid's first t-ball game.  Isaac was so serious about chasing after the ball when playing defense.  I love that he turned his hat around- he means business.

Day 94 - I took this at Matthew's Beach Park by our house.  It was a clear, crisp morning and the light was gorgeous.  You can see the Cascade mountains in the background and Lake Washington in the foreground.

Day 95 - the kids picked spring flowers this afternoon and of course we had to make a little bouquet.

Day 96 - Hail!?!  I decided to slow down my shutter speed to get the trajectories of the hail.  I love how it turned out - especially with the bonus splashes of water from the impact.  BTW - disregard the ugly rail - we're going to tear our deck down this year.  I'm sure you'll see pictures of it sometime.

Day 97 - Ella LOVES animals!  We were hanging out at our neighbor's house and Ella asked if she could hold Buttercup.  Apparently Buttercup doesn't mind.  Ella was thrilled and so proud of herself :)  We get to babysit Buttercup and her two other siblings over Spring Break.

Day 98 - We were gearing up for Easter.  I gave the kids the task of getting their Easter baskets out of storage, and Ella came upstairs with these cute vintage statues I had growing up.  I love them and had totally forgotten about them.  I really appreciate that my mom kept them.

Day 99 - EASTER!  We had a beautiful, sunny, dry Easter this year!  The kids and I must have hid the eggs at least 8 times.  They really got into it, although Isaac was mad Ella could find them so fast.

Day 100!! - Our pear trees are blooming in the front yard.  I took this in the late afternoon with my Lensbaby macro lens.

Day 101 - I decided to do another self-portrait, since its been a few months and I wanted to try out a remote I recently purchased.  Ella has been so excited about reading lately it's become a regular daily activity.

Day 101 (2) - another favorite from yesterday :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

365 Project | Day 81 - 90 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

  Are you enjoying more signs of Spring like I am?  What did Ella say just the other day...oh yes, "In like a lion, out like a lamb."  I remember that quote for the month of March, although I don't really know if it applies to March in Seattle -  maybe March through June here :).
  We've been getting more chances to be outside with these longer days.  Its nice to focus on something other than the caginess, boredom, and fighting that always ensues if the kids are cooped up too long during the week.  Game nights, books, t-ball and play dates can only alleviate this feeling of claustrophobia for so long before they start going at each others throats!  
  Here are more signs of Spring in my 365 photos from March 21st - 30th.

Day 81 - enjoying some playground time.  Isaac was insistent on pushing me on the merry-go-round as well as showing me how fast he could push it

Day 82 - flowering plum tree on our street

Day 83 - we have a lot of grasses in our yard and I absolutely love how they look any time of year with their graphic lines and warm tones (also - I ran out of time to photograph anything really interesting today)

Day 84 - sad solitary dandelion among pretty white flowers blooming in the back yard

Day 85 - we took the kids skiing at Snoqualmie again.  I took this with the iPhone while we were waiting for Dad to bring our lunch :)
 Day 86 - rhubarb is starting to grow in the front yard - who loves rhubarb pie?  I grew up on "rhubarb gunk" a smilier yet slightly more "gunky" version!

Day 87 - I spent part of my day backing up all of my recent photos - 130GB worth.  I have 2 Time Capsules that are maxed out as well as my computer and things are starting to run weird.  Time to get another external back-up drive.......eek!  Any suggestions out there?

Day 88 - I roasted golden beets for dinner tonight.  The recipe was simple and they turned out really well except the fact that I added too much salt :(  They're sure funny looking veggies tho - and I was in  a weird mood

Day 89 - moody rain again.

Day 90 - Isaac embracing the rain