
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Friday, June 29, 2012

365 Project | Day 164 - 177 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

Wow.  Two weeks since my last post.  Time just seems to have sped up since the kids have gotten out of school!  My "free" time has evaporated.

These photos were taken from June 15th - June 28th.  We took the kids on a group camping trip to Dungeness Spit on the peninsula.  It was a blast! I can't wait to do it again.  What else happened?  Well, the kids (finally) got out of school, and then you'll see regular day-to-day observations I photograph.

Next week proves to be photo-worthy as we're embarking on our annual 4th of July trip to Coeur d'Alene lake.  There are always tons of photo ops and fun to be had!

I hope you enjoy this latest series - an just so you know - I only have 5 days to go until I'm officially halfway done - woo hoo!

Happy 4th to everyone :)

June 15th - The kids viewing the Seattle skyline from the ferry to Bainbridge Island for our camping trip.  Taken with the iPhone and Olloclip - fisheye lens.

June 16th - cozy bedtime stories were being read here :)

June 17th - This is one of the sweetest dogs EVER.  She's hanging out in her sleeping bag - yes, HER sleeping bag while the crew packs up their camping gear.

June 18th - We came home to see this HUGE moth on our screen.  It looked like tree bark.  Does anyone know what kind it is?

June 19th - We've been rocking the candles at dinner time.  It seems to give spaghetti or taco dinners a certain degree of mystery and ambiance.

June 20th - Ella graduated from kindergarten!  Love this sweet, proud look :)

June 21st - Oh yes - the fruit stands are out on Wedgwood's main drag - 35th.  Good thing because we're totally out of freezer jam.

June 22nd - Just Because.

June 23rd - This was Saturday - the day after school ended.  Ella's looking through all her projects from the year.

June 24th - I got to photograph a birthday party today - twin 1-year-old girls!  She's loving the cake and I'm loving the photo.

June 25th - Ella lined up her horses to dry after bath time.

June 26th - Heavy into some playtime here.  I'm digging this overhead angle.

June 27th - my latest newborn session.  This little girl was only 5 days old and almost slept through her entire session.  More of her photos will be on my website soon!

June 28th - Isaac enjoying some down-time with the iPad.

Friday, June 15, 2012

365 Project | Day 148 - 163 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

It's been a while, I know.  Here I thought I could coast along doing my thing until the kids get out of school {yes, they're STILL in school, unlike the rest of the world} but apparently coasting isn't going to happen.  Let's see, we've had numerous school, swim, play date activities and birthday parties leading up to the end; we've been spring cleaning - aka - selling a ton of stuff on Craigslist, we are getting a new deck built, we've been gearing up to take the kids camping for the first time this weekend; and last, throw in work and normal chores.  It actually wears me out just typing this.....

I think I have some interesting content mixed with some normal day-to-day photos hopefully you'll enjoy.  I'm looking forward to some lowlight and campfire/tent pics this weekend to get my creativity flowing - plus its going to be a blast!  Some of my fondest memories are our family camping trips.

So here goes.  These photos are taken from May 29th to June 13th.

Day 148 - busy bee taken with the 70-200 lens.

Day 149 - I love my grandpa's retro clock

Day 150 - playing with magnets - thank you Nana!

Day 151 - my favorite flower - the peony - blooming!!  Love love - I just wish I could grow them in my yard.

Day 152 - I had a photo shoot today in one of my favorite secret locations.  Afterwards I was scouting around and found this private message.

Day 153 - Sunday.  We were out doing yard work and selling household goods to Craigslist shoppers all day.  I walked by this spider several times going from the front to the back yard.  He was actually tiny.  I used my Lensbaby macro x10 lens to get him.  It was a little creepy.  The lens was so close to him I kept thinking he was going to jump onto my hand or the lens.  I kept feeling something and checking to see if he was still on his web.

Day 154 - 2nd to last day of swim lessons.  This was taken with my Olloclip on my iPhone with the fisheye lens.

Day 155 - rain tracks.  I used my telephoto and slowed my shutter speed to 1/125 second - no tripod.

Day 156- wavy light on the curtains.

Day 157 - spicy tuna rolls, anyone?

Day 158 - flaming torch blooming in the front yard.  I absolutely love the bold graphic statement this plant makes.

Day 159 - funky trailer.  Does anyone know where this is?  I see it practically every day.

Day 160 - Isaac's favorite pastime since he was 2 years old - playing with his cars.

Day 161 - A little after dinner conversation.

Day 162 - I had a photo shoot at Isaac's school today - Montessori Garden.  I've always loved their beautiful old-school classrooms and the colorful, wooden montessori materials round out the look.  This is a type of math- bead "work" kids can choose to get a lesson on.  Isaac loves anything and everything math at school.

Day 163 - last day of swim lessons!  Taken with the iPhone :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

365 Project | Day 138 - 147 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

As I feel summer and the halfway mark approaching, I feel like I'm finally getting into my groove.  These 10 days below were so much fun and I can't wait to see what the summer brings!  I already have a list in my head of summer photos/activities I want to capture in this project - some will be challenging and some will just be plain fun with a bit of creativity.

These photos are from May 18 - 28th, taken here in Seattle as well as in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho where the kids and I went for Memorial Weekend.  The photos start off with, as you know, one of my favorite subjects: plants and textures.  See below and enjoy!

Day 138 - peony bud

Day 139 - We finally got the garden planted!  My tomatoes took off last year in our raised beds, so I decided to get bigger tomato cages to help support the new plants this year.  Your'e looking at one of my favorite varieties, the Early Girl tomato.

Day 140 - In preparation for our upcoming trip and to get a few special goodies, Ella and I make a quick trip to one of our favorite stores - Metropolitan Market.  I took this with my iPhone.  The produce section looked so vibrant and organized, it made me want to start picking up random veggies to snack on!  Metro Market is known for high-quality organic foods and other specialty goods, and they have the most amazing way of displaying things {you should check out their floral department!}.  There's always a lot to look at - and buy.

Day 141 - The rainy days are finally back.  I loved this scene in our backyard.  I'm just missing a bird {or squirrel}!

Day 142 - We drove to Post Falls to spend the night with Tim's family.  They live on 5 acres and the lot backs up to a horse pasture.  Ella was beside herself!  We decided to run over to the pasture to see if the horses would come say hi.  I'd say Ella's attempts at neighing were pretty successful :)  I'll be posting more photos from this afternoon on my main blog, so be sure to look for it!

Day 143 - We got to the cabin!  We are so fortunate to have a lake cabin in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  It holds a special place in my heart since I grew up in CDA.  And as a special bonus, my parents have the cabin next door so we have the perfect place for friend and family gatherings!  One reason we made the trip over was to stain our deck.  I was worried about how I was going to keep the kids busy while we were working away, but it was a non-issue.  Partly because they wanted to help.  They're growing up so fast.

 Day 144 - We were painting again today and the kids were done helping.  They spent hours running around the property pretending they were deer.  Ella was busy making a deer bed when I took this photo.

Day 145 - The kids and I went on a morning walk.  This scene just made me laugh!  Would anyone attempt to trespass here?

 Day 146 - The kids' Aunt and cousin came up for a visit while we finished up the painting.  I loved this little shared moment with Ella and Nik.  She adores him so much.

Day 147 - On the road again.......  Can you tell where this is??