
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

365 Project | Day 343 - 351 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

These were taken from December 8th to the 16th.  Only 15 more days to go!!  We are in full holiday mode.  We've been busy buying and wrapping presents, opening the Advent calendars each morning and looking for the elf, counting down the days till school is out, Nana and Grandpa come, and Christmas itself.  There's even a chance of snow around here which would top it all off!

Day 343 (12.8) - Do you believe?

Day 344 (12.9) - Making gingerbread houses with the kids.  Love all these little holiday traditions!  Its fun to hear they remember from year to year and look forward to.  I love this age!

Day 345 (12.10) - This is where Starflake is today!

Day 346 (12.11) - Editing my second to last session of the year.  Looking forward to a little down-time.

Day 347 (12:12pm on 12.12.12) - This is where I was- where were you?

Day 348.1 (12.13) - We visited Juno today, our favorite neighborhood reindeer.  Ella tried to feed her carrots but she just wanted to sniff them.  The kids got a kick out of the visit anyway but we had to watch out for her antlers - they were deadly.

Day 348.2 - Had to share this one too.

Day 349 (12.14) - The sun was shining today and rain drops sparkled even though my heart ached today.

Day 350 (12.15) - Macro shot of our poinsettia.

Day 351(12.16) - Starflake is getting creative/funny!


  1. These are great!! And what a gorgeous newborn photo!! That reindeer is hilarious!

  2. Wow! Such fantastic shares! I love that you have your elf climbing a candy cain chain, so cute! Looks like you all are having a lot of holiday fun and I love that reindeer picture, so funny. And what a precious newborn. <3

  3. These are all wonderful and so festive! I love the shot of the reindeer and your kids. So cool they can visit a real reindeer, and he looks pretty friendly too-my kids would be jealous!

  4. Love these! That reindeer is pretty cool, and I love the gingerbread house and those raindrops are awesome!

  5. Kim, I started following your 365 back in the beginning of the year. But lost touch somehow. So glad to see you again at the end of the project. It feels like forever ago and yesterday all at once! The reindeer images are my faves. So seasonal but unusual.
