
Thank you for visiting my 365 blog!

{If you'd like to visit my portrait photography website, click here.}

I'm a mom of 2 kids and have been a photographer for over 4 years. I decided to task myself with doing a 365 {or rather 366} photo project for 2012. I will take a photograph every day, with my "big girl camera". It will mostly be about my life, portrayed artistically. I want to challenge myself creatively and try new things. I'm excited about where this project will take me and I hope you will follow the journey with me!

Monday, December 31, 2012

365 Project | Day 361 - 366 | Seattle Portrait Photographer

Well here we are, at the end!  Happy New Years to you all!

December 26th (Day 361) - Isn't this day always the worst?  Its like a post-Christmas hangover.  We are getting ready to go on vacation in the snow, so we had to sadly take our beautiful but dry tree down and out of the house for fear of a fire while we were gone.

December 27th (Day 362) - The kids have felt under the weather and have been laying low today, so I caught them in a snuggly moment watching shows.

December 28th (Day 363) - Road trip over to Plain, WA for New Years.  It was absolutely gorgeous!

December 29th (Day 364) - Woke up to a beautiful snowy winter wonderland.

December 30th (Day 365) - Icicle taken with the macro lens.  The snow makes me miss the winter holidays growing up in Idaho.

December 31st (Day 366) - Happy New Year's Eve!  We had a fantastic day today which included towing the kids over a jump with the snow mobile.  They LOVED it!  Happy New Years everyone, and thanks for staying with me on this journey!!  This is bittersweet but I'm excited to move on to something else!


  1. I love your blog design! Beautiful winter photos!!!

  2. Wow! It looks a lot like where I live in Vermont! Lovely work!
